Dear Parents,
Each day your child will participate in a wide variety of mathematics activities. Your child will learn through hands-on experiences, discussion, and exploration. The new learning will be reinforces through carefully considered practice.
Our day begins with the Meeting. This is a time when we practice a wide variety of everyday skills. The children answer questions about the calendar, the daily number pattern, the weather, the attendance graph, time, & money. A "Student of the Day" assists with special tasks.
The next part of Math 1 is The Lesson. During The Lesson a new concept is presented through discussion and an activity. Concepts and skills in Math 1 include computation, problem-solving strategies, pattern identification, measurement, geometry, money, time, fractions, graphs, & charts.
Number facts are introduced using fact stratgies. We will practice the facts in class using fact cards & fact sheets. Your child will also practice the number facts at home using fact sheets. Children are encouraged to continue practicing the number facts at home using games & activities.
After each lesson we will practice the new learning, as well as concepts previously introduced, through guided written practice. The children complete and correct Side A of a practice sheet in class. Side B is your child's homework. Most problems on Side B have a corresponding problem on Side A.
Your child will have math homework four nights a week. Please assist your child by reading the problems on Side B, if necessary. Allow your child to arrive at the answers independently. Check your child's work & help your child correct mistakes. If you helped your child with a problem, please circle the problem number to let me know that this is a difficult question. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOUR CHILD RETURN THE HOMEWORK THE NEXT DAY.
Assesment of your child's progress occurs every five lessons. Each written assessment includes skills you child has been practicing throughout the year. We will strive for 80 percent mastery on all assessments. Any missed objectives will be reviewed and retaught. During our conferences, I will share with you my observations about your child's progress.
Please contact me (at home) if you have any questions about the program or your child's progress.
Mrs. M